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Forside : The Amazing Spider-Man # 39 (1966)
Indhold : The Amazing Spider-Man # 39 : How Green Was My Goblin! (1966) The Amazing Spider-Man # 40 : Spidey Saves the Day! (1966) The Amazing Spider-Man # 41 : The Horns of the Rhino! (1966) The Amazing Spider-Man # 42 : The Birth of a Super-Hero! (1966) The Amazing Spider-Man # 43 : Rhino on the Rampage! (1966) The Amazing Spider-Man # 50 : Spider-Man No More! (1967) MARVEL-KLUBBEN nr. 18 (2 sider) Not Brand Echh # 10 : Peter Pooper vs. Gnatman and Rotten (1968) |