Jeg, en vampyr  /  Jeg...en vampyr udgivet i Danmark og Norge i 1984 af Interpresse / Semic


Forside : House of Mystery # 310 (1982)


Indhold :

House of Mystery # 290 : I... Vampire! (1981)

House of Mystery # 291 : Chapter Two: Night of the Living Undead! (1981)

House of Mystery # 293 : Chapter Three: The Burning! (1981)

House of Mystery # 295 : Chapter 4: Mother Love/Mother Hate! (1981)

House of Mystery # 297 : Chapter Five: Zen Flesh! Zen Bones! (1981)

House of Mystery # 311 : By the Time We Got to Woodstock... (1982)

House of Mystery # 310 : Manhattan Interlude (1982)

House of Mystery # 315 : The lone bat that silently swooped out of the darkness... (1983)

House of Mystery # 316 : Back In The U.S.S.R.! (1983)

House of Mystery # 317 : Blood Is Thicker... (1983)

House of Mystery # 318 : I, the pursuer of demons, have been their prey as well! (1983)

House of Mystery # 319 : The Final Chapter: Dreams of Death! (1983)