Forside : Justice League
Anthologie (Fransk udgave) (2017)
Indhold : Justice League Anthologie (Fransk udgave)
The Brave and the Bold # 28 :
Starro, the Conqueror (1960)
Justice League of America # 71 :
And So, My World Ends (1969)
Justice League of America # 200 :
A League Divided (1982)
Justice League of America Annual # 2 :
The End of the Justice League (1984)
DC Retroactive: Justice League America -
The 1990s # 1 :
Apokolips No ! (2011)
Justice League of America #
61 :
Born Once Again (1992)
Justice League of America #
62 :
Pawns (1992)
JLA # 27 :
The Bigger They Come... (1999)
JLA # 61 :
Two-Minute Warning (2002)
Justice League of America v2 # 0 :
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (2006)
Justice League # 51 :
First Impressions (2016)
Titans Annual # 1 :